Pharma Has a Pull-Through Problem -- Is Data the Answer?

Episode Summary

Pull-through – the strategy and tactics designed to encourage physicians to prescribe a drug – is one of the biggest challenges pharmaceutical manufacturers and biotech firms face. Jack Timko, Senior Principal, Valuate Health, returns to The IDI to diagnose the pull-through challenges and explain how data analytics can improve pull-through success rates.

Episode Notes

Your new drug has made it to the insurers’ formulary, but will providers actually prescribe it? Pull-through challenges abound; getting physicians to prescribe your drug means training and coordinating field staff. Encouraging pharmacies to stock and recommend your drug. Educating patients. And more. Lastly, there’s the challenge of measuring success – what does successful pull-through look like anyway?

Jack Timko, Senior Principal, Valuate Health, returns to The IDI to offer his insights. 

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